BedBooking program do rezerwacji
29/05/2023 | by BedBooking

Short-term rental and methods of guest credibility assessment.

Short-term rental has become a popular way of earning income from properties and is an attractive alternative to hotels. Managing such a business comes with various challenges, and one of them is the need to assess the credibility of guests.

In this article, we present methods and processes for assessing the credibility of short-term rental guests, all aimed at minimizing risks. How can you ensure that your property is safe and well-managed?

How to effectively rent your property to reliable guests. Photo by Sake Le

1.Utilize short-term rental platforms

Most short-term rental platforms, such as Airbnb or Booking.com, offer tools for identity verification and guest credibility rating. Guests can gather reviews from other hosts, allowing you to evaluate whether they are trustworthy. Make use of these tools to check the booking history and reviews of short-term rental guests before accepting a reservation.

2. Request identification documents

Before confirming a reservation, ask potential guests to provide a copy of their identification document. This can be an ID card, passport, or driver’s license. Review the information to ensure that it matches the details provided during the booking process and verify that the document is not fake. However, remember to comply with data protection regulations.

Can guests be verified before renting an apartment or a flat? Photo by Vanessa Garcia

3. Get in touch with the guest

Direct contact with short-term rental guests can help assess their credibility. Make a phone call or send a message to discuss reservation details, inquire about the purpose of their trip, or verify the information provided in their profile. The communication style can reveal a lot about the guest and help identify any inconsistencies.

4. Establish rules for short-term rental guests

In your short-term rental offering, establish clear rules that guests must adhere to.

For example, you can:

  • Limit the number of people in the property
  • Prohibit smoking
  • Prohibit parties

Require guests to agree to these rules before confirming a reservation, which can help eliminate potentially problematic customers.

Traveling and rental accommodations. How to verify guests? Photo by Tirachard Kumtanom

5. Verify payments

Ensure that the short-term rental guest has made the payment for their stay according to the agreed-upon terms. In case of delays or payment issues, contact the customer to clarify the situation. If the guest is unable to settle the payment, it may be a sign of their lack of credibility.

6. Collaborate with other property owners

Collaborating with other accommodation owners can be helpful in assessing guest credibility. Exchange information about experiences with customers to avoid potential issues. However, remember to respect privacy and data protection rules.

Tourism and safe property rental methods. Photo by Oleksandr Pidvalnyi

Summary: Assessing the credibility of short-term rental guests is a crucial aspect of managing accommodation properties.

By utilizing:

  • Tools available on rental platforms
  • Document verification
  • Direct communication with customers
  • Collaboration with other property owners

you can minimize the risks associated with rental and ensure the safety of your guests.

Remember that safety and effective property management are the foundation of success in the short-term rental industry.


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